Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thought Clouds

"If I only worry about myself, I need not worry about much else"

Friday, November 28, 2008

East Bay Meditation Center: Free Your Heart Workshop

East Bay Meditation Center (EBMC) is located in downtown Oakland. I have been once before for a four part begining meditation class they held.

What's different about EBMC is that it holds a very diverse community that includes all different races, ethnicities, and sexual orientation. They even have workshops and meditation groups for specific groups of people, just in people arent comfortable being in such a diverse group yet (their main goal is to bring everyone together though).

On December 20Th they are holding a "Free Your Heart Workshop" which is basically about finding true genuine connection and love between ourselves, and others. It is an all day workshop that will include group collaboration, meditation, music, movement, and group discussion.

Hmmm... Well I thought it sounded interesting so I am thinking of signing up!

All programs at the EBMC are free, and they only ask for a donation.

The EBMC website is This website has been newly remodeled and has allot of new resources which include: events, groups, news, and a community bulletin board which is full of free things people are giving away, apartments for rent, and there is even a section where people can talk about special skills they have for hire!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Reality Can Spice Things Up

This is an update about my own life, and my own spiritual journey because this blog is not just about facts-its also very personal.

I've realized that I have never really been in my life.

Most of the time I'm in someone else's life.

Spending my time wishing I was like this person, or liking what someone else does, or trying to do things someone else's way.......but what about me, what about my life? That is their life, and I'm trying to mentally live in their life.

Well, you know, I'm starting to realize that my life is pretty interesting. I'm starting to realize that those celebrities that we find so fascinating to watch, are fascinating because they are living in their life completely, and not looking over at someones grass that is supposedly greener.

So this is my new personal project for the new month of in my own life, staying in my own business, and realizing that my life is fascinating, wonderful, fantastic, and interesting!

Location, Location, Location! First Unitarian Church of San Francisco

I had another spurr of the moment experience today when I woke up. I went on a part of craigslist I've never visited before and found out about the Unitarian Church In San Francisco, and it was giving a Thanksgiving service at 10a.m. Perfect! I'd always seen the flyer's that came in the mail about Universal Church's that except everyone-so I thought why not!

I have been to Thanksgiving services before-usually a small gathering of dedicated church members, with a small service that doesn't last long, and usually instead of the usually choir there is a local two people from the choir that are part of the dedicated members. So I figured that I might be getting more of the same when I went to the First Unitarian.

How I was wrong! There were people streaming into the sanctuary and the place was nearly full by the time the service started. From what I could tell the full choir was there as well.

Much of the service reminded me of my own memories in Christian Church, in fact if I'd never been to church as a child I might have been very confused-there were hymns that were sung, and parts that you stood up for like the congregation standing and reading between the congregation and the speaker up front. But there were many parts that were different.

Things That Make First Unitarian Church of San Francisco Different:

  • Sacred scriptures read from the Hebrew Bible, Christian Bible, and the Rig Veda (India)
  • A beautiful Hebrew song L'Dor VaDor was sung
  • Before anything major happened in the service a small meditation was done
  • Prayers in the Buddhist, Christian, and Muslim tradition

One of the pastor's and his wife came up to speak. The pastor told his story of why he was thankful to be in this church, and one of the things that he said that struck me the most was this, "We all have life no matter your religion even if you are an atheist. I live in an inclusive community"

And of course, in all typical fashion, an offering was collected near the end of the service, that went to the Interfaith Winter Shelter. But the speaker that was asking for the money seemed so genuine and kind, that I didn't feel haggled to give, and didn't mind giving money.

Is the Unitarian Church all it says it is?

I still have no idea! From an outside appearance it looks like it does because they seem to include and introduce you to so many different religious practice, and they all sit together. But for me to really know if they live what they preach, I really have to get to know the congregation, a bit better. I plan on going back to a real Sunday service as well as one of their classes outside of the Sunday service.

The website for First Unitarian Church of San Francisco is:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Quickie: A Thousand Names for Joy

When I like something, I like it alot! I wont drop the subject until I'm tired of hearing about it. Well what I like right now is Byron Katie, I'm hooked! I love doing The Work, I love questioning my thoughts now, and I like the fact that I feel so free, and that The Work constantly brings me back to the moment-to reality.
Now I've stumbled upon another Byron Katie book called A Thousand Names for Joy by listening to an interview with her and her husband. I like the idea of the book because it gives you an ever day account of what it is like to live in Byron Katie's world. What is it like to live in the now, and love everything that is? Well this book will show you.
It is Katie's response to parts of the Tao Te Ching, which I tried to read but couldn't do it. I thought that this book sounded so interesting that I went to the library to read it (I couldn't check out it because something was wrong with my card). And so far, I love it, even though i only read about ten pages. I like that it has examples from Katie's own life.
As soon as I can, I will check this book out from the library!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Loving What Is: Why I'm Learning Why People Are Raving About the Book

About a month ago I purchased Loving What Is on a whim (aren't those always the best choices). Well, I'm glad to say that it was money well spent because this book has four questions that will challenge the thoughts that cause you suffering, and in turn will change your life-or at least it did for me.

****This work is so wonderful, transformative, and amazing! So of course I automatically wanted to try it on my boyfriend who is usually tangled in his thoughts (well so am I). I never got through the questions on the two different occasions I did try because I ended up getting yelled at and attacked (not physically, just emotionally) each time I tried The Work on him. So its important to remember: The Work is only for people who are ready for it, who are ready to bring their demons out of the closet because they are tired of their suffering and they want peace or something of the sort. I learned my lesson! ****

So here is a quick overview:

  • Our attachment to our thoughts cause us suffering. It is not the thought that is harming us, but the fact that we believe in the thought.
  • Some thoughts make you feel good, while other thoughts make you feel bad
  • By challenging each thought that causes us to suffer (stress, anxiety, sadness, panic, unwillingness, guilt etc.) we can find that another reality can exist outside of the thoughts that make us feel bad, it helps us tell a different story, it helps us destroy the prisons in our minds-and this book teaches us how to do it, and very simply at that.

But before we can start off with the four questions that will begin to give relief and peace of mind, make at least one statement about someone else, or even yourself that has been a cause of suffering. Ex., I hate it when John doesn't take me seriously. Now we're ready for the four questions!

The four Questions Are:

  • Is it true?
  • Can I absolutely know that its true?
  • How do I react when I think the thought?
  • Where would I be without the thought?
  • (then comes the turnaround, where you take your original statement and turn it around on yourself. Ex., I hate it when John doesn't take me seriously becomes I hate it when I don't take myself seriously)

Later I will put an example up of one of my own statements and turnaround. So far the questions have been changing my life and I'm very interested in reading her other book, A Thousand Names for Joy.

The website is full of video's of the seminars with Byron Katie and normal people who are there to transform there life and end their suffering, it is also gives you all the information you need about the work, as well as helpful worksheets to aide you for free! Also is Katie's blog which is full of little goodies that aren't on the website, like letters people right her about their changes, their own turnarounds, and even snippets from Katie's life and insights.

Thought Clouds

About Life Possesions:

"Why would I want any of this to last-it never does- and that is always the case-what it is, is constant fluctuation-freedom. So I let it come freely and go freely because it has to, and because it does"


Its been a week since I have been sick, and only recently have I been better!

There are a few things that are absolutely great about being sick though-appreciation.

Not being in a well body, and then being in a well body really made me appreciate the simple functions of what my body does, like the simplicity of swallowing saliva without it hurting. Being able to push myself up, to turn over, to have a clear mind, and to feel energy in my body.

I also had to marvel at how efficient my body is.

On Monday night last week I threw up horribly, but all through it I was thinking it was so cool that my body has this perfect system to completely up-haul all of this poison out of the body, that it has this perfect system to help me! Wow! How cool is that?

But now that I am feeling better, I plan on going to Psychic Horizons for a free class!