Thursday, November 27, 2008

Location, Location, Location! First Unitarian Church of San Francisco

I had another spurr of the moment experience today when I woke up. I went on a part of craigslist I've never visited before and found out about the Unitarian Church In San Francisco, and it was giving a Thanksgiving service at 10a.m. Perfect! I'd always seen the flyer's that came in the mail about Universal Church's that except everyone-so I thought why not!

I have been to Thanksgiving services before-usually a small gathering of dedicated church members, with a small service that doesn't last long, and usually instead of the usually choir there is a local two people from the choir that are part of the dedicated members. So I figured that I might be getting more of the same when I went to the First Unitarian.

How I was wrong! There were people streaming into the sanctuary and the place was nearly full by the time the service started. From what I could tell the full choir was there as well.

Much of the service reminded me of my own memories in Christian Church, in fact if I'd never been to church as a child I might have been very confused-there were hymns that were sung, and parts that you stood up for like the congregation standing and reading between the congregation and the speaker up front. But there were many parts that were different.

Things That Make First Unitarian Church of San Francisco Different:

  • Sacred scriptures read from the Hebrew Bible, Christian Bible, and the Rig Veda (India)
  • A beautiful Hebrew song L'Dor VaDor was sung
  • Before anything major happened in the service a small meditation was done
  • Prayers in the Buddhist, Christian, and Muslim tradition

One of the pastor's and his wife came up to speak. The pastor told his story of why he was thankful to be in this church, and one of the things that he said that struck me the most was this, "We all have life no matter your religion even if you are an atheist. I live in an inclusive community"

And of course, in all typical fashion, an offering was collected near the end of the service, that went to the Interfaith Winter Shelter. But the speaker that was asking for the money seemed so genuine and kind, that I didn't feel haggled to give, and didn't mind giving money.

Is the Unitarian Church all it says it is?

I still have no idea! From an outside appearance it looks like it does because they seem to include and introduce you to so many different religious practice, and they all sit together. But for me to really know if they live what they preach, I really have to get to know the congregation, a bit better. I plan on going back to a real Sunday service as well as one of their classes outside of the Sunday service.

The website for First Unitarian Church of San Francisco is:

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