Saturday, December 6, 2008

Food for Thought: Happiness-The Law of Attraction

There is a trick to the law of attraction.

The trick is-well if you want to call it a trick-happiness.......

Well some might say "no duh" but its more than just the happiness of all of the things that you ever thought might make you happy. The trick to making the law of attraction work, is to first learn to be happy where you are right now, in this moment.

That means-can you find happiness in your despair, can you find peace in your depression, can you see the plenty in the nothing? The thing to the law of attraction is that it wont work if you are desperate for what you you want-it just wont-which means you have to find a way to let go of what you have been asking for before you can actually get it.....

So the law of attraction has always been about present moment happiness-and isn't that nice to know? Well, it is for me! Ever since I heard about the secret video, and the law of attraction, I've wondered how it works-I knew that there was something more to it.

Okay, I'm rambling, but I'm going to get to my point.

Doing The Work of Byron Katie, has really helped me understand how to let go of all of the things that I've wanted outside of myself, that I've thought would make me happy, and learn how to find happiness and peace inside of me, which radiates out of me.....which I believe is the key to the law of attraction.

Letting go feels soooooooo good-and I've noticed that once i let go, and i start to feel good, allot of the things that i wanted start to come! it's crazy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tired of the Green: Finding Myself Challenge

I did the judge your neighbor worksheet about money today-it was very enlightening! Me and money don't have the best relationship, even after learning about the law of attraction, and so on and so on and so on.......but doing the worksheet on money today, made me view money in a completely different way! Below are the key points I realized.


  • Money is life, just like everything else

  • Just like everything that is life, it is free, and free to move about as it pleases

  • Money never has to do anything because its free

  • Money knows the best place for itself to be

  • Money is like a boyfriend, friend, sister, brother, son, daughter etc.-the more you try to dictate its movement and freedom, the more elusive and standoffish it becomes (You know what I'm talking about. Its like when your mom always told you to do something like clean your room, and the more she would tell you to do it, the more you would get annoyed and you would resent her telling you what to do, so the more you would push away from her and not clean your room-well money does the same thing in regards of you telling it what to do)

  • Money doesn't have to bust my bank account, always be in my pocket, be there when I need it, or always be available-because it just doesn't have to!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Judge Your Neighbor-Judge Myself

I did it!

I did my first Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet..and Oh my goodness, it took so long! (45 min)

But it was worth it, and it the issues I wrote about completely flipped themselves, and NOW i look at the other person, and myself in a completely different way. I feel free!

I cant even begin to imagine where I will be if I do the Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet at least once a day for the rest of the month....I cant wait to see!

December Challenge-Finding My Self

Its a new month!

And that means its time for a new challenge!!!

Just like I did yoga, meditation and tea for a week, I plan on challenging myself in a new way-but this time it will be for the entire month of December.

What is it?

Appropriate and ironic, it is going to be about the name of my blog Finding Myself and Living It.

As I keep moving through my life (well probably for the past week), it dawned on me that I haven't actually been participating in my life fully. Then, I thought back to sooooooooo many examples of where I've never actually been living my life-how sad! Well I want to live in my life fully, and to shine, and enjoy!

It also became clear to me that living my own life has been one of my deepest desires. This has to be the reason why songs like "Living my Life" have touched me so deeply, because its what I really want!

Ways I don't fully live my life:
  • Looking at other people and then wanting what they have, and then giving examples about what they have and what I don't have, so...
  • Comparison
  • Waiting on others to have a good time
  • Thinking my happiness is dependent on something outside of myself
  • Wanting things I don't need

The examples above are ways I don't fully live my life and they, always, always, always take me outside of myself, so that I mentally am living in another the new challenge of the month is....

To live in my life, HOW? To question my thoughts as they come...WHAT do the full 6 question judge your neighbor worksheet at least once a day (part of the four questions of inquiry).....WHAT IS THE INQUIRY WORKSHEET...check it out on this URL -

My ultimate goal is freedom! Peace! Happiness! and I honestly don't want it to depend on anyone but ME because in the end I am always with myself! Wish me luck!