Friday, November 14, 2008

Dizzy Blue Dizzy Me

This whole week has been a complete whirlwind! I started a new job in addition to the job that I have-so now I'm trying to figure out how to not get caught up in all of the business of my own life. I'm trying to find balance in my life-because I know that if I don't I can get mean and feel so disoriented. My new question is-how can i have two jobs, friends, a boyfriend, and still have time for me? To still have my spiritual time? To still live heaven on earth? Should I meditate in the morning-if I'm not to sleepy? Or should I do yoga when I get off work? I know I will find the right balance eventually and hopefully soon!

I still plan on going Golden Gate Spiritualist Church this coming Sunday!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Location, Location, Location!

Next week I will be checking out the Golden Gate Spiritualist church in San Francisco. It looks huge! You can see the picture of the building at their website-

I did know someone who went to this spiritualist church and their personal review matches the one review I found on google reviews. It is a very nice place, they sing, they have a sermon, and then they have people that can talk the dead at the end of the service-hmmm, sounds spicey!

Church service for The Golden Gate Spiritualist Church is every Sunday, at 10:30Am. I havent been to a church service in a long time, so it will be interesting to see how this one compares to the memories I have of Baptist church service.

Managing Stress Class: Think a Little Happy Thought

This is the continuation of the managing stress class I'm attending at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center in San Francisco:

The first thing we were asked to do was to think of a couple of happy memories. Why? Because happy memories, or happy thoughts make you feel-well-happy! And when you're happy is there any time for stress? No!

Here is a list of what you might feel when you are thinking sad, distressing thoughts:

  • Negative

  • Nervous

  • Alone

  • Angry

  • Blame

  • Hate

  • Stuck

  • Crying

  • Low energy-or no energy

  • Wanting to give up

  • and of course...Un-happy

When you feel distressing thoughts on a chronic level, then it begins to affect your body. Usually this is :

  • Ache

  • Pain in the joints

  • Soar

  • Lethargic

  • Weak

  • Sickness

*remember stress is just the messenger that is saying stop what you are doing, stop what you are thinking-when chronic stress happens sickness can occur, and this is almost like an eviction because you didn't listen to all of the messages the landlord has been sending you. Sickness means you have to stop and take care of yourself.

When you think of good things that could happen in the future, things that made you smile in the past you begin to feel:

  • Happy

  • Energetic

  • Warm

  • Smiling

  • Patient with others

  • Release of tension in the body

  • Loving

  • Connected to the world

I know some people get freaked out when people say positive thinking is all you need. "No way that's impossible," some people will say. But, would you rather think positive thoughts and get your work done, or think negative thoughts and get your work done?

Its important to remember positive thinking doesn't just happen overnight especially if you're already feeling really down right depressed. Thinking the cup is half full takes time and practice-so take the time to practice those thoughts, even if you just start with one a day-write it down, look for new memories to feel good about throughout your day, and document it!