Monday, November 3, 2008

Is my Vote November 4th 2008 worth Dying For?

Yesterday, a young man approached me late at night at a bus stop. He was deeply disturbed and began to talk to me about what was on his mind, and what was on his mind were very troubling issues about tomorrow's election.

Apparently, if Obama wins, groups of people are planning on harassing people, killing people, and assassinating Obama. Well, this young man was just trying to warn me that I should vote with a group of people because I may be harassed when I come out of the polling booth, or I may be kidnapped, or even killed-and he wanted me to warn other people as well.

Then he went on to talk about slave labour in prisons, how unfair life is, how life is a battlefield, and how he is trying to survive with three children. I sat and I listened to him talk to me for fifteen minutes, not saying a word.

And then eventually, our paths parted. But what struck me during the conversation was that people are afraid of the worst to come for this election. People may be too scarred to vote, too scarred to leave their houses, afraid that someone may kill them if Obama wins.

So, this is my opinion of the whole matter:

Don't be afraid. You don't have to be afraid. Before anything great can actually happen there is always turbulence, but once you get past the turbulence good things are waiting. In almost any situation where great change was about to take place-for instance civil rights in the U.S-there is always resistance to the change, there is always a point where someone will oppose what is happening. But these are just growing pains. The resistance is a sign of growth, the turbulence is a sign that things are happening! The turbulence can show that it is actually positive, something great is about to happen! Please, don't be afraid of the growing pains that are happening with the upcoming election, it is expected and it is something that must happen for change to occur and it wont last forever-nothing ever really does, and eventually life will move on to even greater things!

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