Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Waiting on the World to Change

Well, I didn't want to make my blog about anything political of course-but I guess I had to do it since I wrote about voting. It's just an update that most likely isn't needed. Our new president will be Barack Obama!
It is amazing because he won in a landslide of 349 electoral votes to McCain's 147. Wow, are we ready for change? Yes we are!
I keep watching all of these interviews about what people were thinking before they voted for the next president, what they felt. I listened to many answers that sounded the same.
What was I thinking before I put in my vote? I thought about the Mayan calender their 2012 prediction of the end of the world (well my interpretation of this is just that they meant the end of the world as we know it now-not literally the end of the world as in kaboom! we're all dead). I thought of the Mayan calender because I though who I would want to be president in 2012 which is the mark of a great change of consciousness on this planet of how people think, function, and believe-and you know what? I think that Obama would be the perfect person to bring part of the change in human consciousness, in human thinking, that the Mayans predict for 2012!
I look forward to seeing what happens next! It will be exciting!

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