Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yoga, Meditation, Tea

Today is November the fifth- a complete week from the day I started Yoga, Meditation and Tea! I have to say, wow, wow, wow! Just doing this for a week has changed my life!

Here are some things that changed in my life with yoga:
  • more energy!
  • more relaxed!
  • easier to laugh throughout the day!
  • more of a sense of well being
  • more flexible (I can almost do the splits-almost)
  • stronger !
  • less tense!

Here are some things that changed in my life with meditation:

  • calmer
  • more of an ability to step back from problems
  • easy going
  • less quick to anger
  • less annoyed
  • easier to focus on my self-my well being

What happened to the Tea? Well it sort of disappeared! I couldn't take drinking tea after fifteen minutes of concentrated meditation. Drinking the tea was almost like another form of meditation which was too much for me-at least for now!

I think I am going to try my hardest to continue with the meditation and yoga. I just got an additional job to the one I have, and I think I will need to have my center before I go out into the world of two jobs!

What was my Yoga, Meditation, and Tea schedule like?

  • Thirty minutes of yoga (Three full sun salutations)
  • Sometimes listening to music during the yoga while singing really helped
  • Being concious of the breath during Yoga helps make sure you are doing the same amount of time on each side of the body

  • Mediation for 10-15 minutes (really dependent on how I felt)
  • Concentrate on the breath
  • Feel the inner body
  • Listen to the silence around me

*I have to note that with feeling good through yoga and meditation, my body seemed to crave foods that were better for it-most of the week I started my day off with water, then a fruit smoothie, and two bowls of salad somewhere in between regular eating. I also found that it was easier for me to know that I was full, and not overeat-maybe it came from the yoga, the meditation, or maybe its harder to overeat healthy foods that are harder to chew!

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