Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reading New Books: Loving What Is

Byron Katie. I first heard about this woman from a friends, boyfriends mom while on vacation at their house a couple of states away. I'd already been reading plenty of books (A New Earth, The Power of Now, Stillness Speaks, Ask and it is Given, Law of Attraction, Think and Grow Rich etc.) and then someone mentioned Byron Katie.
Apparently she is fantastic! Her "work" literally in this case because what she does is called "the work" transforms lives. In fact, The Work is so effective that it is being taught all over the world, and even throughout denominations! Whoa! So of course I was interested, but not interested enough to actually buy it, or read it while I was on vacation at this wonderful house that had all sorts of wonderful spiritual books sitting on their bookcase.
Loving What Is never really jumped out at to me, even after I found out Oprah read the book and loved it (and I really do love Oprah). In fact for 5 months I never wanted to read this book, but then yesterday something in my mind sparked "I gotta read Loving What Is" while I was in route of going to get a super steak burrito.
I went an hour out of the way to go to Borders and pick up Byron Katie's book-so far, so good. I'm only on page six (I know its not really far enough to say I love the book) but its far enough for me to know why I felt drawn to the book, because it's the same reason why I felt motivated to do yoga, meditation, and tea for a week.
I was tired of my thoughts, of feeling stressed out- i wanted to learn how to be okay with being by myself, to feel good, to feel free and independent, and this is what "Loving What Is" is all about.
Empowering yourself, and feeling the love within yourself, and realizing that your freedom begins inside of you.
And I knew that-but it is always nice to read a book sometimes, and listen to others stories and see them become uplifted. Byron Katie is the epitome of what I would love to be one day, filled with love and joy, and not resisting what is-wouldn't that be nice? This is why I am doing Meditation and Yoga-to find my peace, to love what is!
I will update later about the book as I read more, and especially when I finish. The link below links to where you can find video's on Byron Katie's The Work. I actually looked at a few of the video's prior to buying the book.

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