Sunday, October 26, 2008

Me First, Things Second

Living in the moment

Realizing each moment is amazing

Teaching the mind to quiet itself so that the present moment can show up

Allowing the right brain to be equally as dominant as the left brain

Seeing the world for what it truly is-energy in motion-atoms and molecules-vibration that is being seen with my senses as solid.

These are my goals in life. I dont know how many months ago it was,but I started to learn about the law of attraction, I mean go beyond "The Secret" and really learn how to use the law of attraction through Abraham teachings. I got soooooo good at the law of attraction. So many things began to happen all at once. So much change. Friends, money, jobs, it all seemed to be flocking to me. And then I became unhappy after awhile.

How could I be unhappy with all of these amazing things happening to me, things that I wanted, things that I asked for?

Well, the problem I believe was with the results. I became lost in my results, lost in the physical. To realy utilize the law of attraction I had to become connected with life force, with Source, God..etc. I had to primarily realize that I am more than this physical body, that I am so much more, and become connected to that-of course with that connection came all of the things I was asking for!

But when all the things I was asking for happened so quickly, I stopped focusing primarily on the inner me, and started focusing on the physical as primary-and thats when I became unhappy. So thats what sparked this blog, and this blog could not have come at a better time because my significant other has just left for a week, which gives me time to focus on me, to find my center again.

"So now I know not to get lost in the physical again-although physical things are nice. But first and foremost I know that I have to be connected with my inner self, I have to remember that I am spirit but also that I have to actively get to that place of spirit by focusing on it- and only then will all of the things I want come, but not only will they come but they will be satisfying when they do because I never depended on those things to be happy in the first place, I was always happy, and whatever comes is a nice addition. But even if what comes chooses to leave, it wouldnt matter because I never depended on those things to be happy. Those things were just additional things to look at and enjoy," (from journal)

This blog is going to be about my journey fine tuning myself to the present moment, because there is so much relief in it! I love it! It just feels so good when I feel my mind squirming my thoughts going crazy and running amuck, and then I remember I can shut those thoughts off, and live right now! I know it doesnt sound exciting when i write it down, but when you actually experience it, it feels fantastic!

Present moment living, with the law of attraction, I think this will be a beautiful new relationship.

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