Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yoga, Meditation, and Tea

I want to start my day off with a kick in the right direction. So, what better way to start the day off well than with a little yoga, meditation, and tea?
I really would love to see how this would transform my life if I only did these things for a week-and I'm not talking hardcore Yoga, or Meditation for two hours to receive enlightenment-no just some simple stretching and sun salutations to get my juices flowing accompanied soon after with ten minutes of meditation. Why tea afterward? Well I have no idea really-just seemed like a good idea for a cool down.
Today was the first day that I started my yoga, meditation and tea. I was already awake at 5:30 Am, and when my mom woke up (about 6:00Am) I asked her if she wanted to join me with meditation since she usually stretches in the morning before she is off to work.
We did two sun salutations; after we did stretches (learned the stretches from my soccer days). Well just from the simple yoga, my body felt fantastic! I had no idea I was so stiff and hurting.
So then, I went to my room for some meditation, set my alarm for a quick ten minutes, and closed my eyes. The energy that was pulsating through my body was amazing! My whole body was alive! If I had not stopped to meditate, I wouldn’t have even known how much my body loved the yoga! Wow, simply put it just felt good.
I could some my meditation experience up in a few words "love and laughter," (from journal). One more thing to add, by the end of the meditation my mind was wandering so much, wondering when this would be over, why I decided to do this, is it over, is it over, is it over, and then thinking about work and all the orders the customers had that day. And I laughed at these thoughts. I can’t wait to see what my mind will be doing tomorrow.
So I definitely think that if I just tried my meditation and yoga for a week (November 5th) I will be feeling like a different woman! I can’t wait to see.
Oh yes, and the tea was a nice touch at the end because it is another focusing tool-focus on the warmth on your hands, the smell in your nose, the tea touching your lips.
Until tomorrow,

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