Sunday, January 18, 2009

Acts of Impulse

Lately I have been having alot of fun being out of control. The More get past the stories of my life (I am going to be an artist, I am in school, I am a very kind person) the more I get to feel that little impulse of inspiration.

The impulse doesn't have to be for big things, like a project that will yield me a million dollars, or the next great idea for mac (I used to think that was what it was all about). I'm talking about little tiny impulses that just feel so good when you do them, they are like the itch that you just have to scratch and when you finally do get to scratch it feels AMAZING.

For instance, yesterday I walked into a restroom at a coffee shop.There was water on the sink, dry paper towels that someone just placed there, and paper towels on the floor near the garbage. I had an impulse to clean the mess up-the next second the logical side of my brain said don't touch it, just use the bathroom and go. Would I have liked it if I were working at the coffee shop and someone cleaned this up for me? Yes. Did I clean it? Yes. Then I washed my hands.

The best part was that no one knew I did it. I didn't tell the staff that I just did them a favor, or my boyfriend who waiting for me, or my mom. It was because of the impulse I did it-so really I did it for me. It always begins and ends with me.

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