Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Kernal or the Kobb?

I love to see people so enthusiastic about our new president. People say that he gives them hope, something to believe in, and a breath of fresh air. Yet, there is more to the story. People are feeling hopeful not because of what are president is doing (what has he done yet?) but they are feeling hopeful because of what they are doing for themselves.

People are giving themselves hope because their thinking is changing. People are giving themselves hope because they are changing how they think of themselves, of their world, of who they are. In fact, they were the only one with the power to make themselves feel better, they are doing it.

I personally feel it is important to make this distinction because if you don't, you are giving all of your power away. It is like saying "my happiness, my well being, and who I want to be all depends on....(place name here)" but when something goes wrong, or does not go your way, what will happen to all of those good feelings?

It is important to realize that "I have started to change the way I think. The way I think is starting to give me more hope. I no longer think that I have no power. I have always had the power to make me feel good."

I wanted to point this out because I want people to be able to keep their power. I want people to understand what it feels to completely live inside of themselves. To feel the wholeness of themselves.

The new president knows how to do this. He knows what it takes to be a whole person. He does not allow outside influences to dictate his personal power. HE moves along effortlessly through the world and does amazing things because he is strong within, because he is a whole person. The same goes for other amazing people that we marvel at each day, such as Oprah (a personal favorite), Gandhi, Pop stars, Movie stars. These people have personal power because they have come to understand how to utilize their thought power, and how to live completely inside of themselves

Could you imagine, just for a moment, if there were more whole people out there? Could you imagine if there were more people not giving their power away to other people, but realizing it was always they who were giving themselves hope, love, freedom, and power? Could you imagine if there were more people out there that minded their own business, that focused on themselves, that delighted in themselves, that knew that they were the only ones with all of the control in their lives. How would the world be different? Wouldn't problems be easier to solve?

If you really want to learn how to give yourself power, begin to observe. Observe when you become happy-was it the outside influence, or was it you changing your thought pattern? Remember it is always you, this whole world is about you right now because it can't be any other way-you are the one living inside of your body, and living life from your perspective.

I remember once I was down because I had no money, I only had five dollars (I guess I did have money). I took the five dollars out of one pants pocket, placed it in another pants pocket, and then left my room to go to the kitchen. I came back to my room, and reached into the pants pocket I transferred the money to, but I forgot I'd placed the money in that pocket. I was sooooo happy for a moment when I felt my hand feel the money because I thought I'd left some money in there from months ago. I didn't know it was the same money I just felt five minutes ago-I was thinking I was going to be a couple of dollars richer. Well, it turned out it was the same money-but for that split moment I became happy just with the thought I had more money.....Who made me happy in that moment, the money itself or the thought of having more money? And if I can have the thought of more money that makes me happy, and if I can manipulate my thoughts, who has the power-ME.

It's time we start giving ourselves some credit.

(Okay, so when I write it is alot of me saying *you you you. Well really, I am not trying to tell you to do anything-I'm really writing for me just as much as anyone who reads this. I really take my articles to heart. I want myself to be a more of a whole person, to have personal power, to not give it all away-why?-because I love myself.)

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