Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Speaking of Control Freaks

Unknown to me until recently, I have found that I am a huge control freak!  If you would have asked me a couple of months ago I probably would have told you a different story- I would have told you that I was a selfless person that simply goes with the flow of life.  But sadly (or not so sadly) I was wrong, wrong, wrong!

But you know, I think that we all have control issues.  We want to control the weather, or what someone else is thinking, or what someone else is doing, or we even want to control situations that we don't like, but have no power to actually change.  Its absolutely maddening!

Well today I realized something brand new (or at least it was new to me):

We think we are in control of people, and we especially think we are in control of them when we tell them what to do and they do it.  When someone does as I say I feel like I have the power, I am the one that made them do that!  But today I realized this is far from the truth.  It was their choice to do what I said.  Their choice.  It never had to do with me.  It was just as much their choice to do as I said as it was their choice to not do as I said.  So it was never about me, it was always always always about them.  

It's very freeing to realize this.  To know that nothing anyone does is necessarily personal in relation to you-no, everything everyone does is very personal to them.

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