Sunday, December 21, 2008

Speaking of Getting What You Want.....

Hello to everyone who continues to check in on my little blog...about me.....and about finding my own spiritual path

This is another post about the much loved and much hated law of attraction.......

Its loved because it sounds like a fairytale where you can get anything you want...Anything! Plus the way it is explained by many popular books and movies makes it sound so simple....all you have to do is be happy, or feel like you already have what it is that you are wanting...and then you will get what you are easy right?


This is why the law of attraction is much hated, and criticized by many people because it never works that way.....why? because its not easy to pretend you have something that you really really really want, because its not there! And when you're done pretending like you have it, you wake up to reality and realize its not there........and that makes people unhappy. But the key to law of attraction is being you can guess what happens-I don't get what I want.

Okay so what is the key to law of attraction? Its a little complicated, but not really complicated at all, not once you get the hang of it. Really the law of attraction, and the key to utilizing it, is alot like everything that exists from our point of view-DUALITY. Duality means, two seemingly opposite things, that exist as one...or that's my take on it..........example night and morning, sun and moon, man and woman, child and adult.

Yes the key to the law of attraction is Happiness.....

Its also about realizing that the reason you want all of the things you want is because you think that those things will make you happy.

So its about realizing that those things outside of yourself that you want are not going to make you happy.

So that means you have to be happy in the moment that you are in, so that you realize that you never needed whatever it was (lets say a camera) to make you happy......because happiness exudes from inside of you and then reaches out, not the other way around.

Then when you almost forget that you thought you wanted a camera to make you happy because you realized that you can be happy without it, and you were having such a great time without it, the camera comes to you. Now you and the camera are a match, now you and the camera can coexist.

Remember everything in this world is entitled to its own life, which includes the camera, and the camera was never going to go to someone that had a strangling energy, why would it? Would you willingly go to someone who was crying in your arms when all you want to do is have a fun day? Probably not.

Confused? That's okay....I'll talk more about the law of attraction later, and how I have come to learn to make it work........

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